Wednesday, January 20, 2010


Can I get a breath at all? Seriously?!? I don't have much on my plate at work. Or at least it doesn't seem like it! So why is it that when I'm gone for one day, it feels like the whole world wants something from me?! I don't have time to breathe in between all the project deadlines and normal busy work that needs to be done yesterday. I have a pile of stuff that I need to talk to my boss about but with our schedules both being the pits, its been piling for a week!

Am I amazing enough to get it all done? Of course I am!

But seriously... can I breathe?!?!

There is always tomorrow, I know. But I don't care for work on my desk waiting for me the next day. My mind thinks about it at night and that's just as bad as bringing work home with me that I don't get paid for.

So why am I blogging on work time?

I haven't taken a break today. Yes I took my lunch but I haven't taken a 15 minute break.

So thank you dear readers for bring my mind breathing break.

On a side note, I have a lot to update you on (the cruise, Wicked: The Musical, Merry Julianuary Cookie Exchange...). I've even got a blog started about the cruise but its not ready. I haven't had much time to update my blogs either. So please be on the look out for those. Coming to a computer screen near you soon.

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