Saturday, June 4, 2011

A nice walk in the sunshine

Today it as over 80 degrees in Sandpoint. We've been having almost non-stop rainy weather since we arrived so today was a nice change of pace. We had some errands to run this morning then we went to the Farmer's Market and walked around town for a bit.

Then it got too hot walking in the sunshine....

So we came in and watched a movie.

I love lazy Saturdays!

Friday, June 3, 2011

It's Been A Week

First, let me say how much I don't like moving. The actual physical labor and packing and unpacking is not fun.

But now that we're here, I'm felling pretty good. I really like Sandpoint with it's small town charm. We've already got our driver's license and Kevin has his plates! We're working on setting up our office, guest bedroom, dining room, and master bedroom. I'm almost done with my kitchen. The dressing room is nothing short of awesome! An entire room dedicated to clothing and accessories (I'm in heaven).

On Memorial Day, we went on the lake with a couple of friends then the next day, Kevin started work. He's been in training and really enjoys it so far. I'm still looking for a job but I've already had some interest in Pampered Chef!

Well, I should get back to work unpacking. I'm trying to find some glass pans so I can made diner. Yet another set back to moving... finding stuff when you get there.


Monday, May 16, 2011

Update - T-minus 7 days

So today we were able to finish the primer in the bathroom, paint and primer trim and final 2 doors for the kitchen, and hung the kitchen doors. I also was able to tape up another box of stuff. Just one, but taping it shut feels good.

We're going to get a good night's sleep and work on the bathroom (paint, flooring, molding, etc...) and do some more packing.

I took some photos of where we are today but there are so many, I'll have to create a slideshow and add that in later.

I'm off to box up a couple shelves of books then hit the hay.

Tune in tomorrow for (hopefully) more completed projects.

Sunday, May 15, 2011

Packing Progress

Well, we're still working on parts of the kitchen and the bathroom. All the while only packing up bites and pieces.

We leave in a little over a week.

Let's see what there is left to do:

  • Bathroom paint
  • Bathroom floors
  • Bathroom base molding
  • 4 kitchen doors to finish painting and hanging
  • Hallway wall paint
  • Master bedroom paint
  • Clean out storage
  • ...and pack.
In a week.

Lord help us!

Thursday, April 14, 2011

New Blog!

For the love of food and all things Holy, Kevin and I have started a blog on our love of food.

Eating out.

Eating in.

Making up new recipes.

Follow us.


~Krista and Kevin

Friday, April 8, 2011

I'm Moving

It hasn't been officially announced to too many people yet, but I am moving. My boyfriend, Kevin, has accepted a job in Sandpoint, ID starting June 1st, so we will be loading up a moving truck and making the 16 hour drive to Northern Idaho in late May.

I'm practically every emotion over this endevour. Happy, sad, excited, anxious, nervous, worried... Packing up my life and leaving my family and friends is going to be, by far, the hardest thing I'll ever have to do in my life to date. But I am looking forward to living in a smaller community and in a part of the country that had captured my heart at a young age.

One thing I'm not looking forward to... snow.

I've never, ever, ever, driven in the snow. I can count on one hand how many times I've actually seen snow in person. Yep, I've lived less then two hours away from snow my entire life and I've been less then five times... and now I'm moving to snow country! Lord, have mercy!

I don't know, maybe I'll learn to snowboard or something... maybe...

Stay tuned for the trials and tribulations of packing up California and heading to Idaho and how well I acclimate to small town life.


Wednesday, March 30, 2011

A Time For Change

I can feel it.

The weather is changing for the better.

The plans for my house improvements are coming together.

Hell, my outlook on life is getting better.

It's a time for change and I feel like something great is about to come my way.

And I didn't just get that from a fortune cookie!

Thursday, February 17, 2011

I mean, really?!?

While I'd like to try and post only "happy" posts, I think this just needs to be said into the vast web of the internet...

Why does it feel like I'm stuck in the same spot without hope of every getting relief?

Same job, still in school, still barely scraping by...

I've tried changing my situation.

I've applyed for jobs only to find a rejection letter in my mailbox without so much as an interview.

One class at a time is taking forever.

Getting paid my weak paycheck only to be out of money by the 10th.

Yes, I know I'm lucky to have a job. To have a paycheck. Don't think I don't appriciate it because I do. I'm lucky to have a roof over my head, food on the table and a pillow to lay my head down at night.

I'm tired of scraping by.

Something needs to change. New job; new surroundings; new something.

Thanks for letting me rant.

Monday, February 7, 2011

The Pioneer Woman: Cookbook

Okay, I'm a little obsessed right now so bear with me.

Blog Post 3 Re: Pioneer Woman.

I have to say, hands down, I love (LOVE!) this cookbook! I've already made the BBQ Jalapeno Poppers - easy and delicious!

All the recipes seem very easy and use common pantry items. Unlike some cookbooks that require japanese ingredients that can only be found in specialty stores and cost an arm and a leg.

Real ingredients = Real food

And if you don't have, say, buttermilk, she trys to give you substitutions. I love that.

The only thing you have to watch is sometimes the recipe serves a lot more then you might need to cook for. One example would be the yummy looking cinnamon rolls. There are only two of us in my house so using the recipe as-is, would yeild 40-50 rolls. Good Lord! I don't need an abundence of cinnamon rolls hanging around. My midsection is already crying for help. So I adjust.

I didn't get a chance to take pictures last night before the poppers were gone, but next time I make them, I'll try to share (at least visually).

Buy this book. Trust me, you'll thank me later.

Black Heels to Tractor Wheels

I was reading Pioneer Woman's blog last week (shocker!) and I came upon a post about her book that was coming out. It's called "Black Heels to Tractor Wheels: A Love Story", the story of Pioneer Woman and Marlboro Man (pet name for her husband).

I'm only a few chapters in but I find the book hard to put down. In fact, she's such a great story teller, I've already had dreams about cowboys and wranglers. Mmmmm...

I'm already recommending this book and I'm only on chapter 6.

Go for it. Read it. You'll love it.

That is all.

Making Peace

I have come to terms with the fact that I cannot nail down a single topic to blog about consistantly. I will be taking the advice of my new found love, Pioneer Woman, and writing about...whatever.

I've made peace with that. As much as the OCD wants things planned and orderly.


So, with that, I'm just going to write about whatever.
