I'm practically every emotion over this endevour. Happy, sad, excited, anxious, nervous, worried... Packing up my life and leaving my family and friends is going to be, by far, the hardest thing I'll ever have to do in my life to date. But I am looking forward to living in a smaller community and in a part of the country that had captured my heart at a young age.
One thing I'm not looking forward to... snow.
I've never, ever, ever, driven in the snow. I can count on one hand how many times I've actually seen snow in person. Yep, I've lived less then two hours away from snow my entire life and I've been less then five times... and now I'm moving to snow country! Lord, have mercy!
I don't know, maybe I'll learn to snowboard or something... maybe...
Stay tuned for the trials and tribulations of packing up California and heading to Idaho and how well I acclimate to small town life.
It sounds like you're embarking on an exciting journey :]